
Thursday, 17 May 2012

The colours in our blood

(a critique of the rhetoric behind the colours of the Kenyan flag. To be read alongside Jerry Riley and Stephen Derwent Partington)

Painter: Your colour is black.

Wanjiku: The whole lot of us –
From the brown Wataita;
Chocolate Patels;
Yellow-yellow Waswahili;
To light as milk McIntyres?

Painter: McIntyre? Patel? Kenyan?
Think again. They were not born here.

Wanjiku: You mean they can’t trace the exact burial spot
Of their forebears six generations back? –
The way you can?           

Painter: I won’t argue with you.
          Moving on, red.
Generous swathes of crimson for the blood shed;
The price of independence.

Wanjiku: But that is so old! We have new stories to celebrate!

Painter: Old? You must never forsake your past, carved out with machete and home-made gun.

Wanjiku: As if I could, the way you rub it in my face.
Couldn’t red also mean the passion;
The fire forged every morning in Kibera, in Turkana
To make today a better day?
But since you will have blood,
Mention the violence in our homes 
and our machines of death
decorating the highways
with shattered limbs and broken lives.

Painter: You feel too much.
You question too much.
You believe too much.
Only I have answers; only I know the future.
And now to green:
O, majestic mountains and pristine forests!

Wanjiku: Really; where?
          Green turned to grey while you were sleeping.
City skies, burning slums, and chemical rivers.
I’ll take some brown for the desert cycles of flood and famine;
Tally the poor who starve annually.

Put our red-hot devotion to work; see the green return.

Painter: Your stubbornness doesn’t move me.
I must deliver the full lesson, as I was paid to do.
(God knows I deserve a raise).
SIT DOWN and listen!
White is the gentle dove of peace dusting this nation
With golden omens of prosperity.

Wanjiku (Yawning): I could fall asleep from your bad poetry.
I won’t let you infect me with your numbness.

(Walking out) I will take white for the hope in our faces;
A blank white slate handed
To every citizen,
On which to dream our identity.
I might just paint the whole thing white,
Except, white is just one colour.
Give me nuance, give me tertiary colours,
Give me love, give me a rainbow.